"In case of emergency, air masks will drop the ceiling. If you are traveling with a minor, please put on your own mask before helping the minor."
I used to think that this emergency line from planes are only for travel-related incidents. But this can also be applied to a life-happened scenarios. Especially if you suddenly become a mom in the middle of building your career and turning your dreams into reality.
A year and a half after giving birth, I don't know if I was able to enjoy a worry-free moment to myself or even spend time with my friends. Because the truth is, maybe worrying is a built-in feature of being a mom; and I don't know if I am still the version of a friend my friends used to know. To quote the Netflix film, Look Both Ways (2022) which got me cried an ocean, "There's this thing that happens when you get pregnant, You mourn a little bit. You mourn the person you used to be, because no matter how much you wanna be a mom, you're never not going to be one again... You are letting go of your old self."
I mourned a little bit. I am mourning up to this day.
Before I get pregnant, I have this vision of earning a Master's degree, to have my own business, and to travel the world. But things changed when I become a mom.
My daughter has to be on top of my priority list. Research even says that a mother's care is essential in a child's primary years. Everything I should do should benefit my kid.
And I think, that's it. That is what the emergency line is all about. I have to secure myself first so I can take care of my kid. Because how can I support my child if I am broken inside out?
June 10, 2021 12:00AM
Active Labor via Induced: 26 hours
E-CS: due to arrested labor (4-5CM with leaking water since June 8, 3PM)
Artificial Rupture of Membranes (AROM): 11:42PM
Weight: 3.1kg
From that moment on, my flight began. I might not have arrived on my dream destination yet, but en route on improving myself, little by little, so my kid would be proud of her mama.
I may not be on track with my goal for a Master's degree but I enrolled in some online courses so I can upskill alongside my full-time work, while also being a mom.
A mom making ends meet while still dreaming, and making that dream a reality.